Monday, 9 March 2015

Virtual news awards site ready to go

A virtual Canadian News Hall of Fame profiling more than 100 inductees is ready to go, says Ian Connerty, former chair.

"For about $5,000, we could have a virtual Hall of Fame on the Internet to honour and respect the six newest inductees and the other 113 members of the Hall of Fame," says Connerty.

All that is needed, says Connerty, is $5,000 from the Toronto Press and Media Club, which owns the rights to the Hall of Fame, to cover the cost of the website.

Over to you, TPC.

As it stands, Hall of Fame plaques honouring Canadian newspaper greats, including Toronto Telegram and Toronto Sun vets, sit in storage gathering dust.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently, 'Virtually' nobody cares.
