Saturday 9 October 2010

Dear "P"

Sun Media posted this message today on Tom Holder's Advice Guy blog:

"Sun Media regrets that it is ending the daily Advice Guy column, but we’re compelled to do so after learning the columnist used material in a recent column published by another source.

"-The Editors"

No specifics about the plagiarized material, but Holder's two postings for today (Oct. 9) are on the blog.

The London-area father of seven won the advice column duties in May following a national competition.

It was Sun Media's second open competition for the job. Will there be a third?


  1. There will not be another competition

  2. maybe they will return to Dear Abby?

  3. Columbia Journalism Review:

    But most newspapers are afraid to open Pandora's Box.

  4. Are you kidding me? They couldn't use that program as it would put the company out of business with its beloved QMI Agency which just rips off every story out there.

  5. Been there, did that.3 August 2011 at 02:46

    Holder was contracted to supply answers to readers' questions. He was not contracted to provide questions. He rewrote questions found on the web in order to meet deadlines. He met the deadlines but did a piss-poor job of the rewrite.
