Wednesday 12 October 2011

22 Jim Yates

 A salute to The 62

Jim Yates was a sailor at heart until silenced by colon cancer on Oct. 6 2003. Newspapers helped the native of Scotland sail the seas for 37 of his all-too-short 60 years. Jim landed on our shores in 1967 after working for breweries and newspapers in Scotland. The Toronto Telegram hired him the same year as a rewrite editor/copy editor. He left newspapers briefly in 1969 to work for Charles Barker Associates in Toronto, missed the action and returned to the Tely in time to see its demise in 1971. He had no hesitation when asked to help launch a new tabloid called the Sun. The jovial Scotsman, a proud resident of the Beach, wore a few different hats at the Sun, including photo editor, assistant city editor and systems manager, before being squeezed out of his job as technology director in the  late 1990s. Jim was working with former Sun colleague John Cosway in an Internet business when diagnosed with cancer. He is missed by all who knew him. 

If you are a Toronto Sun Day Oner and have a bio or memories to share, please email with a photo.

If you are one of the hundreds of men and women in all departments who followed The 62 and want to share your memories of the Toronto Sun in the next few weeks, email TSF.

We want to give everyone the opportunity to mark the 40th anniversary.

1 comment:

  1. Loved Jim Yates. One of my favourite bean-counters ever - even when he was chewing you out over expenses he'd do it with wit. Told Bob Thompson, when he felt a cabbie was tipped too extravagantly on an out of town assignment, "We want you to rent the cab, not buy it!"
