Monday 15 February 2010

Suns go gold

When you scan the front pages of North America's daily newspapers at, the iconic front pages of Sun Media tabloids dominate on most days.

Today is no exception. Winter Olympics gold, five for five with front page layout variations, indicating editors still do have some freedoms.

Sun golds:

Toronto and Ottawa Suns

Winnipeg Sun

Edmonton Sun

Calgary Sun

TSF hasn't received a response from Toronto Sun editors re Sunday Sun's lack of a Jennifer Heil's silver win front, or any coverage of Heil's win inside for that matter.

If ridiculously early Sunday Sun deadlines are to blame, how do they manage to get losing Leafs on the front the morning after Saturday night games?


  1. Nobody should have to explain why a silver medalist from out of market is not on front.

  2. True ... until you are mandated to use that photo of a silver medallist and a layout to serve the chain and save costs. Doesn't PKP et al frown upon individual market choices?
