Monday 16 July 2007

Cross Words 3

To paraphrase rapper Kanye West: Sun Television editors don't care about Crossword Puzzle fans.

How could they care when there have been three, count 'em, three screwups with the TV Crossword Puzzle in three months.

The monthly screwup for July? They left out the answers to this week's puzzle.

Instead of the answers on Page 16, where they are usually placed, readers found a repeat of the beginning of Jim Slotek's Page 4 TV Trivia column.

In June, they repeated both the puzzle and answers from the previous week.

In May, they had a new puzzle, but the previous week's answers.

There was a time when editors of the Sun's TV magazines took pride in their work. People like Gord Stimmell and Jim McPherson.

They catered to crossword puzzle addicts knowing they were a demanding lot and worked overtime to produce an informative and reliable television guide.

But they were the good old days, when surveys showed a lot of readers bought the Sunday Sun for the TV magazine and all of its features.

We can understand why nobody is taking credit for editing the 36-page guide these days.

Three crossword screwups in three months is just plain sloppy.

As newspaper television guides go in 2007, the entertainment and guide combo in Friday's Globe and Mail and the Saturday Star guide put the anemic Sunday Sun guide to shame.

It's time to pull the plug on Sun Television.

Do what the Edmonton Sun said it was doing - merging Sun Television with the ENT section.

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