Wednesday 18 November 2009

Behal honours

What an honour it was for veteran Toronto Sun photographer Stan Behal to have a photo chosen for the book 100 Photos that Changed Canada.

It was his 1988 photograph of sprinter and soon-to-be-disgraced Ben Johnson crossing the finish line at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul. It can be viewed here.

Stan, an NNA winner still on the job, showed up for the Toronto book launching this week, a copy of Mark Reid's hardcover book in hand.

After giving Stan a silent thumbs up for well deserved recognition, we began searching for the names of all the photographers who took those 100 photos that changed Canada.

We are still searching online for the complete list, so we have to agree with some critics who say for a book celebrating photos, the photographers who took them are downplayed.

TSF will post all 100 names and their print media publications and news agencies if someone can provide the complete list.

If you are going to take the time to celebrate Canadian photographs, provide a pedestal for all of the men and women behind the lenses - in the book and during pre-release publicity.


  1. This honour is quite deserved. Stan's one of the great pros that I've had the pleasure of dealing with over the years. Stan's also great human being.

  2. Way to go Stan!!
    Rob Lamberti
