Sunday 14 August 2011

We get links

Ethics and Sun Media:


  1. Brilliant!

    Just freakin' brilliant!!!

    Can you say hoist on your own petard??????

    Ian Harvey

  2. Awesome! I can't wait for SUNTV to take a nose dive.

  3. re: "I can't wait for SUNTV to take a nose dive."

    Apparently, Sun TV is blossoming! According to a full-page story in today's Toronto Sun (so it must be true), Sun TV had better ratings than CTV's all-news channel, (not to be confused with CTV national news, CTV local news or CP24 news), for up to 9 hours on one afternoon on one day last week!! Go Sun TV!!

    If you do the math, 9 hours represents less than 0.22% of Sun TV's total broadcasting time. But, 0.22% today, maybe 0.5% tomorrow! Go Sun TV!

    Sun TV has to last a bit longer. I've got "48 weeks" in the death pool.
