Monday, 10 January 2011

SONG outlook

Brad Honywill, president of CEP Local 87M, reviews 2010 happenings involving Southern Ontario Newsmedia Guide (SONG) in his latest blog posting, including some Toronto Sun victories.

He writes:

"In the realm of legal settlements, I’m happy to report that we achieved two very important victories:

"The return of two columnists from the non-union Sun Media corporate entity to the Toronto Sun membership;

"And and an arbitration decision stating that ad building work formerly done by the Toronto Sun pre-press department cannot be done by non-union people at Sun Media, ie Woodstock.

"The implications of the latter decision are still being sorted out but, ultimately, it’s good news for the 10 Toronto Sun ad builders who lost their jobs when the work was in-sourced to the new pagination hub in Woodstock.

"There were also several important settlements at the Toronto Star and a two-year contract extension.

"Given the times, we are grateful for these victories and look forward to more in 2011."

1 comment:

  1. Yea but some of my co-workers jobs were lost in the Niagara Region just today
