Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Claim the Fame

During his lengthy career at Queen's Park, Clare Westcott came to the aid of the Toronto Press Club more than once.

When the TPC's lease for the second floor club above Hy's on Richmond Street expired in the early 1980s, Clare secured a government-owned building on Wellesley.

The longtime media booster and freelance writer laments the current state of the press club and the tarnished Canadian News Hall of Fame, which hasn't seen an inductee since 2001.

Clare tells TSF:

"It's sad about the Press Club. I found them a home in a government-owned building on Wellesley when their lease was up on Richmond Street and they were there until I left Queens Park in 1985. It was a good operation and they served great food.

"However, I am more interested now in the resurrection and survival of Canada's News Hall Of Fame. Your (TSF) piece based on the Maclean's article pretty much tells the story.

"Would you believe we have over a dozen 'Halls of Fame' in Canada. Google Hall Of Fame Canada and you get about 2,000 sites. Halls of Fame for sports, agriculture, medicine, music, business, restaurants, songwriters - and even boating.

"But bugger all for news.

"A free press is a vital part of our system and honouring those who make it great is an obligation we can`t simply walk away from."

Clare said he would get back to us regarding the Canadian News Hall of Fame, but we are encouraged by the ideas being generated by journalists, young and young at heart.

Michael Friscolanti's piece in Maclean's was no doubt news to a lot of newspaper men and women who had no idea the Wall of Fame was damaged and locked away in a room and the News Hall of Fame hasn't been active since 2001.

Perhaps a meeting of minds can rescue both from obscurity. Update the News Hall of Fame by inducting worthy men and women who have been overlooked since 2001.

And repair the neglected Wall of Fame for display in an area that dignifies the dozens of inductees.

Let's not be territorial about who owns the rights to the Canadian News Hall of Fame and the Wall of Fame. With the TPC homeless and on life support, we're well beyond that stage.

1 comment:

  1. Two more weekly offices close in Dresden and Petrolia, was announced in both publications on Wed. Too bad for these small community papers and their dedicated readers, employees and advertisers. The papers will continue to publish under the Sun Media name and will still carry local news and concerns...sure like has happened at every nespaper in the area, all will become PKP cookie cutter products with no concern to readers or the communities they serve. When will someone stand up an say enough?
