Friday, 1 April 2011

Metro for Niagara?

These TSF tips could just be a coincidence, but . . . 

Boxes for the new free Metro newspaper have been spotted in London, Ontario, as the world-wide newspaper chain prepares to launch in that city on Monday.

"Saw a green Metro box today beside the other established papers near a Tim Horton's," says a tipster.

Meanwhile, and this could be a coincidence, Mark Cressman, publisher of the Niagara Falls Review, has written an 800-plus word column with the heading: Shouting from the rooftops about The Review.

Why the epic sales pitch? Is Metro considering a launch in Niagara Falls?

A TSF reader wonders if Cressman's comments are the norm.

"The Review's youthful publisher has a column in today's paper extolling the wonders of the newspaper and the talent of its ad sales staff," the reader tells TSF. "It makes for an interesting read. Wonder if any other community dailies are self-promoting this way. Anyone?"

The Niagara tipster also says the Review has a classified in the paper for part-time staff in the production department.
The ad reads: Niagara Falls Review now hiring for part-time staff in our production department. Approx 15-20 hours per week, midnight shift. Previous production/labor work an asset.

"I suppose it could mean mailroom jobs, but it isn't clear.


  1. Interesting read, although it appears to please Mr Cressman's ego more than anything. One interesting line: "We have 10 dedicated Niagara Falls journalists focused only on this local area." Really??? Any of the many, many former employees let go due to cutbacks want to dispute this? I am thinking 4, maybe 5. 10? Mr. Cressman states he started last June. Very quick learner is Mr Cressman. Kudos sir. How much of the rest of the self promotion is bs then?

  2. I can't really see Metro moving into Niagara any time soon. Kitchener would make more sense, because they could repurpose Record copy and photos, like Toronto Metro does with the Star. Also Metro is read mainly by commuters, i assume, and Niagara is the sort of place where almost everyone drives

  3. There are at least 10 journalists at the review. I can think of 7 without even getting into any of the editors. There did used to be more, as including me.

  4. Not exactly sure why Metro would think London is a good place for a commuter paper. They plan on having hawkers on the street this week as well. I suppose when you have one of the saddest transit systems(London Transit) where ridership is so poor you better find another way to get your "commuter paper" on the street.

  5. Mr. Cressman's column smacks of desperation.
