Monday 18 May 2009

Wheel of Fortune?

So did the Toronto Sun pay the anonymous contributor of that widely-used video of a wheel falling off a plane landing in Buffalo?

Was it a Wheel of Fortune - or a mere thanks and a handshake for footage that was used by major networks across North America with Sun Media credits?

The passenger who shot the amazing footage from a seat on the plane has not been identified, so he or she is not receiving world-wide attention via the Internet.

It would be comforting to know Sun Media wrote a cheque.

With amateur videographers gladly providing media with free footage of whatever, exclusive footage that once fetched handsome prices is being aired and posted online for a handshake.

That just isn't right, but the potential value of exclusive video footage is something the public has to comprehend. Don't expect all media to be up front with the worth of exclusive footage.


  1. Completely unrelated:

    This video may prove that the Toronto Sun is/was ahead of its time, (not the best quality video but watch to the end):


    Who needs paper?
