Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Cluck puns galore

The Informer blogger over at Toronto Life took count, as did thousands of Toronto Sun readers, in reading today's front page What The Cluck story by Don Peat.

The blog heading reads: Toronto Sun breaks pun density records: further evidence that the tabloid is written by our dad.

For Peat's sake, what are 10 or so puns in a tabloid story? That's chicken feed.

Don't you love it when Sun-specific blogs are created and others zero in on Sun content? We do. It means the reporters, columnists and editors are willing to crow about their tabloid roost, er, roots.

Let the broadsheets be broadsheets and stop worrying about laying an egg in their eyes.


  1. Why not try and compete with the broadsheets and take pride in a real newspaper. The Suns have been out sold for decades and it baffles me why they are satisfied with being third rate. Any good business man knows that if you give customers quality they will return to buy more. But for some reason the Sun dosen't believe in this model. I'm embarrassed that I have to work for this company and look to find a way out every day. I'm tired of working for the laughing stalk of the industry and hearing about it from readers.

  2. Yikes. It is to be hoped that poster isn't in editorial. The first sentence needs a question mark. "Outsold" is one word. "Businessman" is one word. Laughing "stalk" should be "stock." And all in one paragraph. J-101. Fail. Good luck getting to a broadsheet with those elevated standards.

  3. Um, I think you mean laughing stock, not stalk.

  4. Laughing stalk? Nuff said.

  5. With spelling like 'dosen't' and 'laughing stalk' Quebecor might be a little embarrassed as well..

  6. and its "try TO compete", not "try AND compete"

  7. If anybody has been wondering what all those laid-off copy editors have been doing with their time, well, now you know.
