Saturday, 7 March 2009

Re Jim O'Leary

Former Toronto Sun vet Jim O'Leary has found a new calling - as publisher and editor of the Catholic Register.

Sun vets know Jim from his transient Sun years, where he worked as a columnist, sports editor, European bureau chief, Sunday Sun editor, and at, which he helped launch in 1996, as executive vice-president and general manager, says a CP story.

The CP news brief says he was most recently a partner in a privately held book publishing and photo marketing company based in Toronto.

The Catholic Register, Canada's oldest Catholic weekly newspaper, is no stranger to the Sun.

The late, great Bob Vezina, former city editor, and Mike Burke-Gaffney, a 29-year Sun vet who retires from his managing editor job on March 31, both worked at the Register before moving to the Sun newsroom in the 1980s.

O'Leary, a father of four and appointed by Thomas Collins, the Archdiocese of Toronto, says he is looking forward to working on the Register.

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