Tuesday 31 March 2009

India calling?

A couple of recent TSF postings suggest outsourcing Sun Media newspaper preparation to India is more than a one-liner penny pinching joke.

The latest comment sounds informed:

"I'm told that there are currently trials being run in at least one Sun daily where all page comp and desk duties are being farmed out to a firm in India.

"While the trial is running 'in the background' so to speak for now, insiders tell me it is progressing well and will be rolled out in the future, thus the look-alike papers we are beginning to see resembling the London Free Press.

"It's a template being developed to carve even deeper into the very heart of newsroom employees."

Quebecor's vision for Canada's largest newspaper chain is to farm out jobs to India?

Confirm or deny, Sun Media.

Confirm or deny.


  1. I'm a bit confused, but wasn't the rumour that Barrie would be the central hub for pages? No idea has been too far-fetched not to be put into action by Quebecor, but outsourcing work to India leaves a sour-taste in my mouth. With PKP on his knees begging for tax-pay dollars from Harper, how would Canadians feel seeing bailout cash go towards a company that is laying off its workers to farm out the work to India? Will the paper change its name to Slumdog Sun?

  2. How can they send stuff to India? How are people there going to lay out pages when they don't know the area the paper covers? Will they know what stories are important? If not, will someone in Canada let them know what to layout and where to place it? If so, then why ship it out when someone needs to tell what to do?
    Does PKP really need that much more money in his pockets?

  3. Perhaps we could talk about that over the water cooler ... oh wait, it's gone now ... so yeah, I think he wants more cash in his pockets by any means necessary.

  4. Great news... now communities will have even more people to support local advertisers with their bounty of EI money!

  5. Wonder if they'll know how to spell "Eglington" in India?

  6. Palm Springs did it. There were some rough patches with local councillors' names being misspelled, but the publisher said if other businesses like the auto industry outsource for cheaper labour, why not newspapers. This is the future.

  7. Their online display ads were farmed out to India some time ago.
