Thursday, 22 January 2009

The PKP shuffle

A few confirm or deny tidbits for Sun Media chief PKP from the rumour mill:

Is the Monday print edition of the Chatham Daily News being axed, leaving Tuesday to Saturday distribution?

Beginning this month, will PKP be personally signing all expense cheques for Toronto Sun employees?

Did PKP really walk into one of his sparsely-staffed newsrooms and ask: "Where are all the reporters?" Was "This is it" the reply?

Is Journal de Montreal days away from a lockout?

Just asking.


  1. Wow I'd pay to see video of PKP's reaction after asking where are all the reporters. Where do you think they are PKP? Likely at the unemployment office thanks to you.

  2. Once he came into the Ottawa Sun newsroom and looked at all of two GAs and after butting out his smoke said, "I guess all of the others are out on the road, eh?" No one had the heart to tell him they had been laid off and that actually was the staff for the day shift.

  3. He will be going to Markham office to review all expenses every couple of weeks.
